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Fishing Charters in Ogunquit Maine

The best fishing charters in Ogunquit Maine are Breadwood Fishing Adventures, Salty Lewer Fishing Charters and Bunny Clark Fishing Charters. .

These charters are all conveniently located at the end of Shore Road in Perkins Cove Ogunquit, Maine. A short drive from anywhere in southern Maine.

Looking for some exciting fun to share with the children and grandchildren?

Look no further! A fishing charter can be great fun and will make memories for a lifetime!

Never fished before?.......These charters cater to those who never held a fishing rod to the experienced seasoned angler.

Here is information on the fish most targeted by fishing charters in southern Maine and a list of the 3 best fishing charters in Ogunquit, Maine.

Learn more about the most popular targeted fish in Ogunquit Maine.

Jump to the 3 best fishing charters in Ogunquit Maine.

  1. Breakwood Fishing Adventures
  2. Salty Lewer Fishing Charters
  3. Bunny Clark Fishing Charters

Most Common Fish Targeted
by Fishing Charters in Ogunquit

The most common fish that are targeted by fishing charters are:

  • Striped Bass 
  • Atlantic Mackerel
  • Bluefish
  • Bluefin Tuna
  • Shark
  • Haddock
  • Cod

Striped Bass

Striped Bass

Striped Bass: (Morone saxatilis)  Family Percichthyidae, Temperate basses 

Common names:  striper, linesider, rockfish, sea bass Description: 

Striped bass are dark olive green to steel blue on top, with silver colored sidesand a  white underbelly. 

Seven to eight dark stripes run longitudinally across their body giving them a  distinctive appearance. 

Striped bass are usually three and onethird times as long as they are  deep. 

They have a long head, protruding lower jaw and a moderately forked tail fin.

Their dorsal fins are separated, unlike dorsal fins of white perch, which they resemble when they are young.

Where found:  Inshore

Similar Gulf of Maine species:  White Perch

Remarks: Striped bass are one of Maine’s most important saltwater gamefish, being renowned for their powerful fight and excellent flavor.

Inhabiting shallow bays, rocky shores, coastal rivers and the surf line of barrier beaches, they can be caught anytime during daylight hours but seem to be most active between sunset and sunrise.

Stripers will hit a variety of baits, lures and flies. Mackerel, eels, marine worms, herring and menhaden are commonly used baits.

Proven lures: include spoons, leadheaded jigs and surface and deep diving plugs.

Records: MSSAR (Maine State Saltwater Angler Records)
IGFA: All-Tackle World Record

Fish Illustrations by: Roz Davis Designs, Damariscotta, ME (207) 563228

Drawings & Information provided courtesy of the Maine Department of Maine Resources Recreational Fisheries program and Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.

Atlantic Mackerel

Atlantic Mackerel

Atlantic Mackerel : (Scomber scombrus)  Family Scombridae, Mackerels 

Common names:  Mackerel, Boston mackerel, Tinker

Description: Atlantic mackerel are iridescent blue green above with a silvery white underbelly.

Twenty to thirty black bars run across the top half of their body, giving them a distinctive appearance.

The efficient spindle shape of their body and their strong tall fin give this fish its ability to move swiftly through the water.

Atlantic mackerel have two separate large dorsal fins and, like their relatives the tunas, they possess several dorsal and anal finlets.

On average, Atlantic mackerel weigh less than one pound, but individuals of up to two pounds are not unusual.

Where found:  Inshore and offshore

Similar Gulf of Maine species:  Chub mackerel, bonito

Remarks: Atlantic mackerel are seasonal migrators that travel in dense schools.

They appear in late spring in many of the state’s harbors, coves and coastal rivers where they are sought by eager anglers.

An ultralight to light spinning rod outfitted with 10 to 12 pound or less test line provides anglers with the most action.

Spoons, spinners, weighted bucktails, jigs and tube lures all work well.

Atlantic mackerel are not only enjoyed as table fare, but are especially prized as bait for other game fish.

Records: MSSAR (Maine State Saltwater Angler Records)
IGFA: All-Tackle World Record

Fish Illustrations by: Roz Davis Designs, Damariscotta, ME (207) 563228

Drawings & Information provided courtesy of the Maine Department of Maine Resources Recreational Fisheries program and Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.



Bluefish    (Pomatomus saltatrix)  Family Pomatomidae, Bluefishes 

Common names:  Blue, Chopper, Snapper

Description: Bluefish are a blue green shade above with silver sides and underbelly.

A single dark blotch can be found at the base of
each of their pectoral fins.

They have large powerful jaws that are lined with a single row of small, razor sharp teeth. Their bodies are stout and powerful.

These fish have two dorsal fins, the first being much lower and rounder than the second which, in turn, is similar in size to the anal fin.

Bluefish have a large forked tall fin that pushes them swiftly through water.

Where found:  Inshore and offshore

Similar Gulf of Maine species:  None

Remarks: Swimming together in large schools, bluefish migrate north with warming water temperatures and generally, but not always, appear along Maine’s coast during the summer months.

They frequently follow other schools of fish, such as menhaden, mackerel and butterfish, upon which they feed.

The preferred rig for blue fishing is a medium duty rod and reel equipped with at least twenty pound test line, coupled with a coated steel or heavy monofilament leader.

Effective artificial lures include spoons, plugs and tube lures. Baits, either alive or cut, include mackerel, menhaden, butterfish and eels.

An assortment of flies are also known to work well. Anglers should take extra care when handling bluefish because their bite can cause serious injury.

Records: MSSAR (Maine State Saltwater Angler Records)
IGFA: All-Tackle World Record

Fish Illustrations by: Roz Davis Designs, Damariscotta, ME (207) 5632286

Drawings & Information provided courtesy of the Maine Department of Maine Resources Recreational Fisheries program and Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.

Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin Tuna: (Thunnus thynnus)  Family Scombridae, Mackerels 

Common names:  Giant, Tuna, Horse Mackerel

Description: Bluefin tuna are deep blue on top, blending to silver along their sides and belly.

Their lack of additional dark markings helps to differentiate them when young from bonito.

As with other members of the mackerel family, bluefin tuna have two dorsal fins, one anal fin, plus numerous dorsal and anal finlets.

These fish are built for speed, having an efficient torpedo shaped body coupled with a lunate shaped tail fin.

Bluefin tuna can grow to an enormous size with the largest examples weighing above 1,500 pounds and measuring close to 12 feet in length.

Where found: Offshore

Similar Gulf of Maine species: None

Remarks: Bluefin tuna are pelagic fish that often travel in large schools, especially when they are young.

Older fish in the 350 to 500 pound range tend to journey in smaller schools numbering from a few to as many as 40 members.

The very largest fish tend to be mostly solitary. Bluefin tuna are built for speed and endurance and may reach speeds of over fifty miles per hour.

Being seasonal migrators, tuna generally appear off Maine’s coast by early summer.

Tackle in the 80 to 130 weight class offers an angler the best chance of successfully landing one of these hard fighting fish.

Both trolling and bait fishing are popular ways to catch tuna.

Effective baits include herring, butterfish, mackerel and squid.

Records: MSSAR (Maine State Saltwater Angler Records)
IGFA: All-Tackle World Record

Fish Illustrations by: Roz Davis Designs, Damariscotta, ME (207) 563228

Drawings & Information provided courtesy of the Maine Department of Maine Resources Recreational Fisheries program and Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.



Haddock: (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) Family Gadidae, Cods

Common name: haddock

Description: These fish are dark gray above with silvery sides and a white underbody.

They have a black lateral line and show no spots.

A distinctive large black blotch, referred to as "the devil's thumbprint," is located behind and above their pectoral fins.

Haddock, like cod, have three dorsal fins and two anal fins.

With haddock, the first dorsal fin is visibly pointed.

A small chin barbel can be found on their lower jaw and they have a shallowly forked tail fin.

At three years of age, haddock typically measure 19 to 20 inches in length.

Where found: offshore

Similar Gulf of Maine species: pollock, cod

Remarks: Haddock are bottom feeders that generally inhabit water depths ranging from 100 to 500 feet.

Unlike cod, they often avoid the rocky bottom and prefer a bottom of clay, smooth hard sand or fragmented shells.

Haddock are known to bite as freely as cod and when hooked are considerably more active.

The fishing tackle and baits used for cod also work well for haddock.

Haddock is a sweet tasting fish, making it a prized food item.

Records: MSSAR

IGFA AllTackle World Record

Fish Illustrations by: Roz Davis Designs, Damariscotta, ME (207) 5632286

Drawings & Information provided courtesy of the Maine Department of Maine Resources Recreational Fisheries program and Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.



Atlantic Cod: (Gadus morhua) Family Gadidae, Cods

Common names: codfish, cod

Description: The color of Atlantic codfish can vary from gray to gray green to reddish brown.

They are usually covered with reddish brown spots.

Their lateral line is pale, almost white.

Cod are streamline in shape, have a broad square tail fin, three rounded dorsal fins, two anal fins and no fin spines.

Their upper jaw is blunt and extends beyond the lower jaw.

A prominent chin whisker (barbel) is attached to their lower jaw.

These fish are four to five times as long as they are deep, being deepest just behind the head.

Where found: inshore and offshore

Similar Gulf of Maine species: hake, pollock, haddock

Remarks: Atlantic cod are bottom dwelling fish that prefer substrates ranging from rock to fine gravel.

Cod are the target species of many of Maine's headboat anglers.

A 5 to 8 foot medium to heavy action rod, equipped with a heavy reel and spooled with 50 pound test dacron line is considered standard gear.

Successful anglers use either a jig (10 ounces and up) coupled with a teaser (plastic worm), which are fished off the bottom with a jerking motion, or bait (clams and shrimp).

Records: MSSAR IGFA AllTackle World Record

Fish Illustrations by: Roz Davis Designs, Damariscotta, ME (207) 5632286

Drawings & Information provided courtesy of the Maine Department of Maine Resources Recreational Fisheries program and Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.

The Best Fishing Charters in Ogunquit Maine

1. Breakwood Fishing Adventures

Breakwood Fishing Adventures is owned by Captain Larry Blanchette.

Captain Blanchette is a U.S. Coast Guard Licensed Master Captain and a registered Maine Guide in 3 classifications. 

He is certified in First-Aid/CPR/AED and Wilderness Fist-Aid.

He has 25+ years of fishing experience and has focused on Striped Bass for 10+ years.

Captain Larry was born and raised in Southern Maine and a current Wells, Maine resident.

His goal as a fishing guide is to see the look on other peoples faces as they catch the fish of their dreams!

He believes it is very important to guide and mentor our next generation into fishing.

Breakwood Charter Boat

25 Foot Pilot House Parker 2520 XLD

Breakwood Fishing Adventures BoatBreakwood Fishing Adventures Boat
Breakwood Fishing Adventures BoatBreakwood Fishing Adventures Boat

The 25' Pilot House is equipped with a quiet Suzuki 350HP 4-Stroke engine.

The deck is deep and a deep hull which offers a dry and comfortable ride.

The boat is also equipped with a GPS controlled Trolling Motor with "iPilot".

The Parker has a head with a toilet for those in need.

USCG Safety Equipment and a water exchange Live Well are onboard.

There is plenty of room for up to 4 people to fish at a time and can seat 6 adults comfortably.

Bring your tunes and feel free to play them; it is outfitted with a "bluetooth" stereo!

Breakwood Fishing Adventures Rates:

1. Day Stiped Bass Adventures

  • 4 hours ($500) - targeting striped bass.
  • 6 hours ($650) - targeting striped bass.
  • 8 hours ($800) - targeting striped bass.

2. Night Stiped Bass Adventures

  • 6 hours ($1050) - 6 hours of exciting night fishing for Stripers.

3. Shark Charters

  • 8 hours ($275) - seeking the elusive shark.

4. Bluefin Tuna Charters

  • 10-12 hours ($1200) - hunting for the giant Bluefins.

5. Deep Sea Offshore Groundfishing Charters

  • 7 hours ($950) -  groundfishing for Cod, Haddock, Pollock, Cusk or Hake.

6. Family Trip of fishing and sightseeing (Great for Kids!)

  • 2 hours ($300)  - sightseeing charter with fishing for the kids.


  • 4 people max fishing; 6 passengers max.
  • All Striped Bass and Shark trips are catch and release.

Contact Information:

2. Salty Lewer Fishing Charters

Salty Lewer Fishing Charters are operated by Captain Bryan Lewer.

Capt. Bryan has been a USCG licensed captain and Registered Maine tidewater fishing guide for more than 12 years.

What he enjoys most about charter fishing is sharing his love of fishing with children and adults alike and sharing the exhilaration of hooking into a striper, and the rugged beauty of the waters off the coast of Ogunquit and southern Maine.

Salty Lewer Charter Boat

Salty Lewer 2021 25 ft. Sportsman with a 425hp motor

Salty Lewer Fishing Charters BoatSalty Lewer Fishing Charters Boat
Salty Lewer Fishing Charters BoatSalty Lewer Fishing Charters Boat

THE SALTY LEWER - The Salty Lewer I is a 2021 25 ft. Sportsman with a 425hp motor, Garmin electronics and radar and fish finder, EPIRB, VHS radios, 2 live wells, and trolling a motor.

Fast, with a comfortable ride to get you out to the fishing grounds.

The fishing vessel (F/V) Salty Lewer features hard-top dodger and ample padded seating for passengers and ample deck space for reeling in your hook-ups.

​Their second vessel, the Salty Lewer II, is a 23 ft Sportsman with a 250hp motor with Simrad electronics, radar and fish finder, VHF radio, and two 2 live wells, and all U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) approved safety equipment including USCG-approved life jackets on board for all passengers.

Salty Lewer Charter Rates:

Trip prices start at $325. They can accommodate a total of 6 passengers per trip, with 4 fishing at a time.​ There is an additional charge for each additional passenger beyond the first four.​

Charter fishing gear: We provide all rods, tackle, and live bait for your fishing charter.

They specialize in light tackle in-shore fishing focusing on Striped bass, Mackerel, Brown Trout and Bluefish (when they are running) along the Ogunquit and southern Maine coast, seasonally, May through October.

They also fish for Blue Fin Tuna, and have offshore trips for Haddock, Cod and other types of ground fish.​

Their charter trips typically start by leaving Perkins Cove to search for live bait.

Once they get some in the live well, the trip is off to hook into the stripers.

Live bait is one of the most effective ways to catch Stripers.

Perkins Cove is close to many excellent fishing spots, and we can be on the fish in a short time.

1. Inshore Fishing Trips (May - October)

  • 2 Hours (Start at $325) - fishing focused on Striped bass, Mackerel, Brown Trout and Bluefish (when they are running)
  • 3 Hours (Call for Price) - fishing focused on Striped bass, Mackerel, Brown Trout and Bluefish (when they are running)
  • 4 Hours (Call for Price) - fishing focused on Striped bass, Mackerel, Brown Trout and Bluefish (when they are running)

(A great adventure for grandparents with their grandchildren)

2. Family Fishing Trips 

  • 1 1/2 to 2 Hours (Call for Price) - scheduled for mid-morning and afternoon and are fun and appropriate for children four (4) years of age and older. Fishing on their kid-friendly fishing charters is primarily for mackerel and small pollock.

3. Scenic Coastal Cruises 

  • 1 1/2 to 2 Hours (Start at $300) - Boon Island Cruise located just 8 miles offshore, offer the chance to see harbor seals basking on and around the island.
  • 1 1/2 to 2 Hours (Start at $300)Ogunquit shoreline Cruice includes passing by Nubble Lighthouse which promises ‘Insta worthy’ photo opps of the circa 1879 working lighthouse, described as a “majestic beacon.”

4. Custom Cruises 

  • 2 to 3 Hours (Start at $300) - They offer coastal cruises tailored to your group’s preferences. Captain Bryan is available to captain customized private cruises out of Perkins Cove for two to three hours.


  • Polarized sunglasses are recommended. They help to see the fish under water. They are especially necessary on the shark trips.
  • Their Mates work for tips and 15-20% is customary. Half payment is due at time of booking via PayPal or Venmo.
  • Trips cancelled within 72 hours are non-refundable. Trips cancelled by Captain due to inclement weather will receive a credit toward future booking.

What To Bring

  • CLOTHING - Jacket or sweatshirt, rain gear if applicable, sunscreen, hat, rubber soled footwear.
  • ​PERSONAL GEAR Camera, polarized sunglasses, small personal cooler for snacks/beverages.
  • ​FOOD & SNACKS - Sandwiches, snack bars, fruit, (but no bananas!), nuts, and candy are welcome if you wish to bring them aboard.
  • BEVERAGES - Water, soft drinks, and beer/wine/libations beverages are allowed. Please drink responsibly.
  • MEDICAL - Personal needs medical such as Epi Pens, insulin, inhalers or seasickness medication.

Contact Information:

3. Bunny Clark Fishing Charters

Bunny Clark Fishing Charters is owned and captained by Captain Tim Tower.

Tim has been a charter skipper and delivery captain, sailing vessels from different U. S. ports to Bermuda, through the Caribbean Sea, across the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and on the Pacific Ocean.

He holds a biology/chemistry degree and has worked as a marine biologist for the National Marine Fisheries Service and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution studying fish migration.

Tim started taking 6 passenger fishing trips on the Mary E in 1977, built the Bunny Clark and sold the Mary E in 1983 and has been party fishing (fishing with greater than 6 passengers) with the "Bunny Clark" ever since.

Captain Ian Keniston is Bunny Clark's principle captain and first mate.

Captain Ian runs most of the Day Trips, all of the Extreme Trips, most of the Half Day trips and three Marathon trips.

He has been working for Bunny Clark Fishing & Tackle on a year round basis which includes rebuilding all the reels, reconditioning the Bunny Clark in the winter and repairing all our rods.

He also rebuilds customer reels and rods. 

Bunny Clark Boat

Bunny Clark 40 ft. with a Volvo D13-700 Diesel Engine

Bunny Clark Fishing Charters BoatBunny Clark Fishing Charters Boat

The Bunny Clark is a 40 foot fiberglass deep sea fishing boat built in 1983 and specially designed to carry passengers with speed, comfort and stability.

She is powered by a Volvo D13-700 tier 3 fully electronic diesel engine (New April 28, 2015) which delivers 700 horsepower and is insulated to reduce noise.

This engine allows the Bunny Clark to cruise at a maximum of 16.5 knots with full tanks of fuel in reasonable weather.

A spacious bathroom (by boating standards) is located forward for your convenience.

The deck area is equipped with rod holders and seating for everyone with ample space for your coolers and belongings.

A large canopy covers most of the deck to protect from rain or spray.

Bunny Clark Charter Rates:

The fishing is mostly bottom fishing for cod, pollock, halibut, haddock, hake, cusk, redfish, monkfish and mackerel. Anglers may use bait or jigs. The bait is Maine shrimp, surf clams or mackerel. They usually drift fish. However, they will anchor when anchoring is more productive. During the fishing trip, the mate will prepare or fillet your fish if you desire. We provide small plastic freezer bags with the fillets at no extra charge. 

1. Half Day Fishing Trip

  • 4 Hours ($650 per person; 28 people max) - 4 PM to 8 PM -  targeting cod, pollock, halibut, haddock, hake, cusk, redfish, monkfish and mackerel.

2. Full Day Fishing Trip

  • 8 Hours ($110 per person; 28 people max) - 7 AM to 3 PM -  targeting cod, pollock, halibut, haddock, hake, cusk, redfish, monkfish and mackerel.

3. Extreme Fishing Trip

  • 10 Hours ($145 per person; 20 people max) - 7 AM to 5 PM -  targeting cod, pollock, halibut, haddock, hake, cusk, redfish, monkfish and mackerel.

4. Marathon Fishing Trip

  • 12 Hours ($195 per person; 18 people max) - 5 AM to 5 PM - targeting cod, pollock, halibut, haddock, hake, cusk, redfish, monkfish and mackerel.

Contact Information:

  • Email: bunnyclarkdsf@gmail.com
  • Phone: 207-646-2214
  • Website: bunnyclark.com

About Perkins Cove

Originally a small fishing community and artists’ colony, the Cove is a charming area that consists of local independent shops, restaurants and scenic outlooks.

Hugged by the Atlantic Ocean on one side and a small harbor on the other side, guests can picnic on the rocks while enjoying the crashing surf, stroll across the footbridge and check out the boats, enjoy picturesque dining with southern Maine’s most beautiful views, or book a fishing or sailing trip to enjoy land views from the ocean.

Perkins Cove is also the southern end of the Marginal Way, the famed cliff walk that meanders for a little over one mile along the ocean. The northern end is in downtown Ogunquit.

Perkins Cove - Ogunquit, MainePerkins Cove - Ogunquit, Maine

This is the Perkins Cove Walking Bridge over the water.

Perkins Cove Walking BridgePerkins Cove Walking Bridge

A rather attractive Lobster Boat parked on land at Perkins Cove.

Lobster Boat Parked at Perkins CoveLobster Boat Parked at Perkins Cove

Directions to Perkins Cove

Tip: Use the map to find directions from your location by clicking Instructions to Find Directions

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